Hybrid Local Based Marketing – Opportunities for Regional Brand Communication

Hybrid Local Based Marketing – Opportunities for Regional Brand Communication in the Digital Age

Regional communication is clearly one of the trends in marketing. There are two main reasons for this: on the one hand, the media options for local-based marketing have become much greater as a result of digitization, and on the other hand, consumer attitudes and behavior patterns are changing.

Regional products are in greater demand, regional trade is receiving targeted support, and the desire for “proximity” is growing.

Hardly any discipline has benefited as much from the digitization of the media landscape in recent years as regional marketing. For example, classic regional media such as outdoor advertising or the daily newspaper are changing their aggregate state and becoming increasingly digital. With addressable TV or online video, completely new advertising opportunities are also emerging.

Due to the changing media usage – especially in the younger population groups – regional communication today can hardly do without the use of digital advertising channels.

In our whitepaper, we provide an overview of the current status in terms of local-based marketing, highlight new advertising opportunities, and explain how the individual media and measures can best be combined to achieve maximum added value.


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