JOM Group implements influencer marketing campaign for Rheinfels Quelle

JOM Group implements influencer marketing campaign for Rheinfels Quelle

ProSieben presenter Thore Schölermann and Bachelor contestant Jennifer Lange help increase brand awareness on Instagram

Hamburg, 14 September 2023.  JOM Group, the agency for hybrid marketing communication, has been working successfully with the Hövelmann beverage group and the Sinalco brand since 2019. From now on, the Duisburg-based beverage specialist will also trust JOM’s media experts when it comes to digital communication for the mineral water brand Rheinfels Quelle. The first activity is an image and awareness campaign in North Rhine-Westphalia with the aim of increasing regional brand awareness in the target group of 25 to 49-year-olds.

The fourth-generation family business is based in NRW and is aware of its great regional responsibility. That is why sustainability and regionality have always been lived practice and are among the guidelines of the company’s policy. They attach great importance to a sustainable, responsible approach to the environment and the natural mineral water springs as their most important natural asset. In this context, the Rheinaue nature reserve is the home of the Rheinfels spring.

“In order to create long-term identification and loyalty potential for a product like mineral water, it is important to generate emotionality and to create a favourite brand through targeted image building, which users trust and which they like to reach for again and again,” Artur Lammert, Teamlead Digital Media Consulting at JOM, describes the approach of the campaign. “We therefore rely on content creation by prominent influencers, among other things, in order to present the brand emotionally and credibly with moving images.

Influencer marketing around the brand message “Purity comes from the depths”

With the taff and “The Voice of Germany” presenter Thore Schölermann and the influencer Jennifer Lange, known from the format “The Bachelor”, the JOM Group has selected two influencers with a suitable brand fit. Thore Schölermann loves nature and lives in his home in Sauerland in a house with its own section of forest. Therefore, he will share a day he spends doing activities like walking his dog or going for a walk through his forest with his community in an Instagram reel.

Fitness, health and travel are the topics on which Jennifer Lange produces content every day. For Rheinfels Quelle, the Cologne-based fitness influencer animates her followers with a reel for a yoga session. Both content creators will focus on the mineral water of Rheinfels Quelle and the proximity to nature.

“In a competitive environment, we want to give the Rheinfels Quelle brand an independence that also appeals to people emotionally. Our goal is to further expand the strength of the brand as well as its differentiation potential. We found JOM’s idea of relying not only on eye-catching displays but also on content creation by personalities with an affinity to the target group and a clear brand fit, such as Thore Schölermann and Jennifer Lange, very convincing. This way we create both emotionality and attention for the brand in our target group,” explains Heino Hövelmann, Managing Director of RheinfelsQuellen H. Hövelmann GmbH & Co. KG.

In addition to the influencer:inside cooperation, high impact ads and scratch ads will be used on high-reach media sites. The digital assets will also be flanked by radio and online audio spots as well as OOH posters. The campaign will run across NRW from 14 August to 5 November 2023.

Instagram reel Thore Schoelermann:
Instagram reel Jennifer Lange:

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